BHP Billiton Announces Senior Management Appointments

The move will broaden the experience of the team and ensure smooth functioning
BHP Billiton Announces Senior Management Appointments
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BHP Billiton announced several management appointments designed to broaden the experience of a number of its senior executives on March 7, 2006. This is a continuation of the talent development program announced in December 2005. All appointments will be effective 1 April 2006. Commenting on the appointments Chip Goodyear, Chief Executive Officer said: �Today�s appointments continue our commitment to develop our executives. These moves will broaden the experience of our top team and facilitate smooth succession planning. This continues to be an effective way to challenge our senior people and develop additional organisational capability while ensuring continuity of our business initiatives.�

Bob Kirkby, currently President of Carbon Steel Materials will retire on december 31, 2006, untill then he will serve as Executive President. And will be responsibility for BHP�s country offices in Brazil, India and Mongolia. Bob will continue as a member of the Office of the Chief Executive (�OCE�) and Chairman of the Executive Committee until his retirement. Commenting on Bob Kirkby�s retirement Chip Goodyear said, �Bob has had a long and distinguished career at BHP Billiton. He has had leadership roles across many of our businesses and his experience has been integral to our success. During 2006, Bob will assist in the on-going transformation of Energy Coal, continue to develop several of our functions and regional offices, and will ensure the smooth transition of his responsibilities in Carbon Steel Materials.�

Chris Lynch, currently Chief Financial Officer, will be appointed Group President of Carbon Steel Materials Chris will continue as an Executive Director and as a member of the OCE. Alex Vanselow, currently President Aluminium will replace Chris as Chief Financial Officer and will join the OCE. Alex has an extensive knowledge of BHP Billiton and its businesses and will be based in Melbourne. Graeme Hunt, currently President Iron Ore will replace Alex as President Aluminium based in London.

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