AWDC announces new legislation regarding selling natural and lab-grown diamonds

New legislation regarding the sale of natural and synthetic diamonds to consumers
AWDC announces new legislation regarding selling natural and lab-grown diamonds
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AWDC hereby informs the diamond sector about new legislation that will come into force from 1 May 2023 regarding the provision of information that will become mandatory when selling natural and/or synthetic diamonds (mounted or unmounted) to consumers.
A company that wishes to sell natural or synthetic diamonds (loose or mounted in a piece of jewelry or watch) to a consumer, must provide information regarding the characteristics of the good(s) before the consumer is bound by an agreement:
- The fact whether the product is/contains natural or synthetic diamond(s) as well as the number of stones;
- The fact whether the natural or synthetic diamond(s) is/are treated/untreated
- The weight of the natural diamond(s) or the synthetic diamond(s)
- If applicable, the type of treatment to which the natural diamond(s) or the synthetic diamond(s) has/have been subjected.
The information is provided by means of a paper document or, if the consumer agrees, on another durable data carrier, which is handed over to the consumer. The information provided is readable and clear and contains at least: 1° the company number; 2° the trade name or company name; 3° the address where the company is established; 4° the identification of the good. The document is dated and signed by a natural person who can legally represent the company. The legislator also provides a template document in the annex to the Royal Decree, which is deemed to comply with these requirements of the Royal Decree.
The full Royal Decree and the template can be found here.
Template informatiedocument (NL)
Template informatiedocument (FR)

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