This is the first Israel Diamond Exhibition since 2020, and the overwhelming response shows the importance of this exhibition to traders the world over.
The opening ceremony held in the Rough Trading Hall of the Israel Diamond Exchange (IDE), featured greetings by IDE President Boaz Moldawsky, DRC Minister of Mines H.E. Antoinette N’Samba Kalambayi, GIA Executive Vice President and Tom Moses, Israel Diamond Week Chairman Aviad Bashari and IDE CEO Eran Zini.
IDE President Boaz Moldawsky said, “We welcome the many guests from all over the world, presidents of diamond exchanges, representatives of important diamond companies, buyers, and jewelry designers. With over 150 exhibitors from Israel and around the world, I am sure that every buyer will find the diamonds he is interested in. I wish you great business deals and lots of fun. Mazal u’bracha.”
The Israel International Diamond Exhibition will continue on March 29 and 30, 2023.
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